Scroll below for important information for livestock and dogs. Horses - reference the Horse Information tab.
2025 Livestock Quality Assurance
Livestock Quality Assurance (LQA) must be taken by all exhibitors completing an animal project by July 16, 2025. Members who do not meet the LQA requirement by 4:30 PM on July 16, 2025 will not be elligble to complete their animal project and exhibit at the fair. There are multiple options to complete this requirement so plan accordignly based off of your family's schedule. If you plan on exhibiting at the Ohio State Fair, LQA must be completed prior to June 1, 2025.
Option 1 - Complete LQA with OSU Extension Williams County on January 21st via Zoom or April 21st at the Gillette Building on the Fairgrounds. Must register prior to the event. See registration links and additional information at the red button below.
Option 2 - Complete LQA at one of the available dates offered by the Northwest Ohio Extension Professionals in Williams, Paulding, Fulton, Henry, and Defiance Counties. See registration links and additional information at the red button below.
2025 NW Ohio LQA Dates & Informational Flyer
Option 3 - Complete BQA or PQA at a state sponsored event. Must exhibit proof of completion to Megan at the office.
Option 4 - Test out of LQA reqirement. Quality Assurance Test Outs are for the youth members that would like to attempt to test out of their annual quality assurance requirement for a period of time if the youth receive a passing grade. Quality Assurance Test Outs can be taken by youth ages 12-18. Tests will be administered to 12–14 year olds and are valid until they are the age of 15 years old. Tests will be administered to 15–18 year olds and lasts the duration of their 4-H career. Please contact the Extension Office and schedule an appointment to take your test if desired. Call Megan or Karie at the office for more information.
Option 5 - Complete the online YQCA program. There is a $ cost associated with this platform. Click on the following link for the Online YQCA Option:
- When you navigate to the site, you will want to click register/sign in. If you completed this option in a previous year, you may have an account already. If this is your first time completing the online version, you will need to register. Please keep a picture or copy of your completion certificate and email it to to show proof of completion and satisfaction of your QA requirement.
Option 6 (Horses Only) - Horse exhibitors must complete EquiSTEP. EquiSTEP is a mandatory training for all horse exhibitors and is due June 1, 2025. Find the 2025 EquiSTEP link here: COMING SOON from the State Office estimating late Jan/Feb
Project Books
All members need a NEW project book for each species every year. Projects are not to be used from previous years. Multiple projects may need multiple precord books. For example, a member taking Beef Breeding and Market Beef will need TWO project books.
Home Born & Raised Animals
Home Born & Raised Registration Form for Market Lambs - due June 1, 2025
For market lambs who were bred, born, and raised in Williams County.
Please submit the following form to the Extension Office prior to June 1, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact Megan - 4-H Educator at
Livestock Lease Agreement
Livestock Lease Agreement Form - due June 1, 2025
If you are leasing your animal, please fill out and submit a livestock lease agreement. Market animals should not be leased. Please submit the following form to the Extension Office prior to June 1, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact Megan - 4-H Educator at
Animal Tag IN
Tag In for feeder calves, sheep, and goats will be on June 7, 2025 from 8-11 AM at the Williams County Fairgrounds.
Tag In is mandatory for all feeder calves, market sheep, and market goat projects. Check the following spieces information to see which forms need turned in on tag in day.
Feeder Calf Registration & ID Form - Due June 1, 2025
Feeder Calf Registration & ID Form
Feeder Calf Vaccination Form - Due at the scale on Weigh In Day (September 5, 2025)
Feeder Calf vaccination withdrawal time needs to be completed prior ___ (COMING SOON) days before move-in day. If the withdrawal time is not complete, your animal will not be able to show.
Feeder Calf Vaccination Form COMING SOON
Breeding Heifer/Cow Registration and ID Form - due June 1, 2025
Please submit the following form to the Extension Office prior to June 1, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact Megan - 4-H Educator at
Breeding Heifer/Cow Registration & ID Form
Market Steer/Heifer Registration and ID Form - due January 31, 2025
Please submit the following form to the Extension Office prior to January 31, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact Megan - 4-H Educator at
Market Steer/Heifer Registration & ID Form
Dairy Heifer/Cow Registration and ID Form - due June 1, 2025
Please submit the following form to the Extension Office prior to June 1, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact Megan - 4-H Educator at
Dairy Heifer/Cow Registration & ID Form
Market Hog Registration and ID Form - due June 1, 2025
Please submit the following form to the Extension Office prior to June 1, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact Megan - 4-H Educator at
Market Hog Registration & ID Form
Market Lamb Registration and ID Form - due June 1, 2025 - Required for all market sheep!
Market Lamb Registration & ID Form
Market Goat Registration and ID Form - due June 1, 2025 - Required for all market goats!
Market Goat Registration & ID Form
There are no ID Forms for rabbits.
All rabbits that will be exhibited at the fair will need to attend Rabbit Tattooing. This will take place at the Williams County Fairgrounds in 2025.
All chickens that will be exhibited at the fair will need to be tested for Pullorum. This testing date will be the same date as the rabbit tattooing in 2025 and will take place at the Williams County Fairgrounds.
Turkeys from Cooper Farms will not need to be tested for Pullorum UNLESS they have been in contact with other birds that are NOT from Cooper Farms. If your turkeys are NOT from Cooper Farms, they will need tested as well.
There are no ID Forms for poultry.
2025 Cooper Farms Turkey Orders
Cooper Farms of Oakwood, OH, is offering 5 free turkeys to each 4-H/FFA member wishing to exhibit market or breeding turkeys at the Williams County Fair. If ordering more than the 5 free turkeys, use the order form for quantity and payments must be made when picking up your order by cash or checks that are payable to OSU Extension Williams County.
1. Order Form - due by April 5
2. Completed Biosecurity Form Turkey Biosecurity Form - due by April 5
Required Forms
Permission to Participate Form
Identification & Vaccination Certificate
Important Dates for Dog Projects
Please see the following calendars for important dates regarding dog projects and practices:
You and Your Dog Workshops for 2025
Attend the collective meeting to work on you Dog Record Books, study for Dog Skillathon, teach your dog basic obediance and more!
Dog Project Workshop Dates:
Additional Information for 2024
The Ohio Dog Resource Book has been updated! Please call the Extension Office at 419-636-5608 to order your NEW copy!
Ohio State Fair Dog Show - June 17-19, 2024 in the Voinovich Building at the Ohio State Fairgrounds - Entries due May 21st at 1:00 PM
Agility Trial is July 24th in Taft Coliseum - Entries due June 21st at 1:00 PM
Entries available at &
Entry Information and Schedule of Classes can be found on the Ohio 4-H website
Additional Information:
2025 Horse Project Information - Look on Horse Information Tab
Cloverbud Resources
Not mandatory but an optional opportunity for Cloverbuds.
Cloverbuds who will be non-competitively exhibiting a rabbit or chicken at the Williams County Fair will need to register by calling the Extension Office at 419-636-5608 or by emailing Karie at
Cloverbuds will bring the animal the day of the show in a cage, and take it back home immediately after. No sale arrangements will be made for Cloverbud animals.
Schedule of Shows for Cloverbuds:
Cloverbud Chicken Project Record Book
Cloverbud Rabbit Project Record Book
DUNF stands for Electronic Drug Use Notification Form. This electronic form must be completed and submitted electronically prior to arriving at the Fairgrounds on weigh-in day, Friday, September 6th, 2024. All animals, including feeder calves, must submit a DUNF Form prior to their arrival on the fairgrounds. A separate DUNF is required for each market lamb, goat, hog, feeder calf, steer, turkey, duck, goose, and rabbit, as well as lactating dairy goat, lactating dairy cow, and pen of broilers, per the Ohio Department of Agriculture.
POULTRY: If you animal does not have an identification number, simply put your initials, followed by a number in numerical order. For example, I have 2 pens of chickens. I will enter MS1 for the first pen and MS2 for the second pen.
If you make a mistake, or need to update information after you submit the form, please complete an additional form entry for that respective animal.
Reminder these are due BEFORE you arrive on the fairgrounds. You will not be permitted to weigh in if your DUNF is not completed prior to 7 AM on Friday, September 6th. The only exception to this rule is if your animal does not have an official identification number or tag in its ear prior to arriving at the fair. If this is your case, you will bring your animals on the grounds, tag it, complete your DUNF, then weigh-in.
Please use this link to access the DUNF Form:
OR scan this QR code:
2024 Williams County Junior Fair livestock entries
Here is the direct link to the FairEntry website:
Here are the step-by-step directions to help you enter successfully. Please read the directions closely and carefully!
Instructions to complete Junior Fair Entries
Have these completed prior to arriving to LIVESTOCK INTERVIEWS & SKILLATHON on August 14th.
We plan to have assistance there throughout the day, prior to the start time at 6 PM, to help if you are having any issues entering. You are also able to 419-636-5608 with questions at any time. I will also respond promptly to emails to Megan at
FFA Members will register their animals and other non-animal projects in this platform as well. Their directions are also listed on this document.
Please follow these steps prior to logging in to ensure you have ease throughout this process.
- Log into your 4-H Online account to ensure that you know the correct email and password. If you do not know your account information, we can assist you in obtaining that information by calling us at 419-636-5608.
- Here is the link to 4-H Online:
- Find your records for which animals are coming to the fair. You will need important information such as tags, tattoos, breeds, etc. You will also register them under the specific exhibitor who will be showing that animal.
- Reference the Williams County Fairbook for specific class information. Physical copies are due to arrive to our office tomorrow, as they were just completed by the printing company. The 2024 version can also be found of the fair’s website here:
Again, while this entry platform is easy to navigate and user friendly, we welcome you to make appointments, including after hours/weekends, to walk through the entry process. This can be done in our office, over the phone, or remotely on the Zoom platform. Please set up an appointment by calling our office at 419-636-5608 or by emailing Megan at
Livestock Interviews & Skillathon
Livestock Interviews and Skillathon will take place in the evening Wednesday, August 14, 2024 in the Gillette Building on the fairgrounds. Livestock Interviews & Skillathon are mandatory for animal project completion.
Items to Remember:
- COMPLETED animal project book (project book must be completed prior to event)
- Written or typed one page report over what you have learned this year in your project (most project books have this built into their book on a page with a prompt and room to respond).
- 2024 project records - feed, expenses, vet, equipment, animal pictures, etc.
Project Books
All members need a NEW project book for each species every year. Projects are not to be used from previous years. Multiple projects may need multiple precord books. For example, a member taking Beef Breeding and Market Beef will need TWO project books.
2024 Animal & Me Show
The 2024 and 7th annual Williams County Animal & Me Show will take place on Tuesday, September 10th in the Livestock Show Arena at the Williams County Fair. This heart-warming event provides an opportunity for individuals with special needs to experience what is is like ot exhibit an animal at the fair. Participants work with Junior Fair Exhibitors (that's YOU!) and their animal to participate in a special livestock show to share what they have learned. The animal options include: feeder calves, sheep, goats, rabbits, and chickens.
We are currently looking for members to serve as mentors. If you are interested, please see the following link for the mentor application and for additional information! If you have any questions, please contact Jessica at or by calling the office at 419-636-5608.
2024 Animal & Me Mentor Application
2024 Livestock Quality Assurance
Livestock Quality Assurance (LQA) must be taken by all exhibitors completing an animal project by July 16, 2024. Members who do not meet the LQA requirement by 4:30 PM on July 16, 2024 will not be elligble to complete their animal project and exhibit at the fair. There are multiple options to complete this requirement so plan accordignly based off of your family's schedule. If you plan on exhibiting at the Ohio State Fair, LQA must be completed prior to June 1, 2024.
Option 1 - Complete LQA with OSU Extension Williams County on February 5th via Zoom or April 22nd at the Gillette Building on the Fairgrounds. Must register prior to the event. See registration links and additional information at the red button below.
Option 2 - Complete LQA at one of the available dates offered by the Northwest Ohio Extension Professionals in Williams, Paulding, Fulton, Henry, and Defiance Counties. See registration links and additional information at the red button below.
2024 NW Ohio LQA Dates & Informational Flyer
Option 3 - Complete BQA or PQA at a state sponsored event. Must exhibit proof of completion to Megan at the office.
Option 4 - Test out of LQA reqirement. Quality Assurance Test Outs are for the youth members that would like to attempt to test out of their annual quality assurance requirement for a period of time if the youth receive a passing grade. Quality Assurance Test Outs can be taken by youth ages 12-18. Tests will be administered to 12–14 year olds and are valid until they are the age of 15 years old. Tests will be administered to 15–18 year olds and lasts the duration of their 4-H career. Please contact the Extension Office and schedule an appointment to take your test if desired. Call Megan at the office for more information.
Option 5 - Complete the online YQCA program. There is a $ cost associated with this platform. Click on the following link for the Online YQCA Option:
- When you navigate to the site, you will want to click register/sign in. If you completed this option in a previous year, you may have an account already. If this is your first time completing the online version, you will need to register. Please keep a picture or copy of your completion certificate and email it to to show proof of completion and satisfaction of your QA requirement.
Option 6 (Horses Only) - Horse exhibitors must complete EquiSTEP. EquiSTEP is a mandatory training for all horse exhibitors and is due June 1, 2024. Find the 2024 EquiSTEP link here: