4-H Online Link: https://v2.4honline.com/

If you are having problems logging in, DO NOT create a new family account. Please call our office at 419-636-5608 or email Megan at schulte.182@osu.edu for assistance. 

Interested in joining Williams County 4-H? Visit https://williams.osu.edu/join4h for more club and project information. Be sure to reach out to a club advisor before enrolling. If you have additional questions about joining a 4-H club, give us a call at 419-636-5608.  We can help place you with a club.

Deadline to enroll: For new and returning members April 15 is the deadline.  

4-H Members can enroll if age 8 and in 3rd grade or any youth age 9 or above up to the year they turn 19 before December 31. 

Cloverbud members are ages 5 and enrolled in kindergarten.  All Cloverbuds are to be enrolled in 710 Cloverbud Activities project.  

Williams County does not have programming for youth ages 4 and under.

4-H Online is more user and mobile friendly. While parts of this website might look a little different, the process to re-enrolling and enrolling is still pretty similiar. Familes are encouraged to bookmark the below 4-H Online website link to your computer for easy reference and access the next time you want to login!  REMEMBER: Remember your login name and password.  They are critical to keeping a record of each member's 4-H years.  The office does not have access to them.

Quick Tips for Successful 4-H Enrollment

Ready to enroll? Visit: https://v2.4honline.com/

If you're in need of a refresher on how to re-enroll or are a first time user, check out these additional resources below. 

4-H Online Family Enrollment Guide

Returning Families--How To Re-Enroll Video (see below)


New 4-H Families--How To Enroll for the First Time (see below)



FAQ--Frequently asked 4-H Online Enrollment Questions

Q: I forgot my password, how can I get it?

A: On the login page, click on "Reset Password."

Q: I forgot the email address that I used, how can I get it?

A: Email the office at williams4h@osu.edu or call at 419-636-5608.

Q: I was given/emailed a password, but when I typed it in, it did not work.

A: Because of the senstivity of the passwords, it is recommended that you "cut & paste" the password into the password field. Then once you are logged into the system, you can reset your password to something that you will remember as long it is a minimum of 8 characters and includes letters, plus numbers and/or symbols.

Q: I completed my profile over a week ago and it is still pending, what do I do?

A: Email the office at williams4h@osu.edu or call at 419-636-5608.