OSU Extension Williams County is pleased to announce that Jeff Dick has been selected as the Williams County 4-H Youth Development Educator. This full-time appointment is effective March 1, 2022.
Jeff brings nearly 30 years of OSU Extension experience, previously serving as Extension Educator in Williams County for 17 years and most recently as the Volunteerism 4-H Community Clubs Field Specialist. He resides in Montpelier with his family and is an active member of the Williams County community.
Jeff joins the current OSU Extension Williams County team which include Office Associate Karen Ford, Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) Educator Stephanie Karhoff, 4-H and ANR Program Assistant Jessica Runkel, and SNAP-Ed Program Assistant Becky McGuire.
4-H is a non-formal educational, youth development program offered to individuals age 5 and in kindergarten to age 19. Ohio 4-H youth development reaches more than 240,000 youth each year – helping kids “learn by doing” through hands-on activities. 4-H enrollment is currently open until April 1 for returning members and April 15 for new members. Learn more about the Williams County 4-H program and how to join at Williams.osu.edu/join4h.