FERT/PAT Recertification

Monday, March 16, 2020 - 5:00pm to 9:00pm
Williams County OSU Extension Office

UPDATE - Fertilizer and Pesticide Re-certification Meeting originally scheduled for March 16th from 5 - 9 pm is CANCELLED. We are working with the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture to determine next steps and will be in contact with local growers still in need of re-certification credits.

Registration is required at 419-636-5608. Cost is $40 for the complete program; $10 for fertilizer recertification only. Payment should be postmarked by March 4 to 1425 East High Street, Suite 112, Bryan, Ohio 43506, or dropped off at the Williams County Extension Office during regular business hours. Pizza dinner included with registration. See all re-certification opportunities at pested.osu.edu

pest recert cancelled